21. Gulaschprogrammiernacht

Twink Meetup
09.06, 20:00–21:00 (Europe/Berlin), Anderswo/Draußen
Sprache: English

aka. Young Queer Gathering with some "Flausch"

Meetup for all the young queers! (also formally known as the "Twink Meetup")

Let's continue our tradition started at the 34C3 in Leipzig. Establishing new friendships, find old ones again, exchanging cuddles, talk about life and relationships. We try to be newbie- and introvert-friendly, so you can come even if you don't know anybody yet!

Treffen für alle jungen Queers! (aka. "Twink Meetup")

Lasst uns unsere Tradition vom 34C3 in Leipzig fortsetzen. Neue Freundschaften knüpfen, alte Bekannte wieder finden, Kuscheleinheiten austauschen, über das Leben und Beziehungen plaudern. Wir versuchen, Einsteiger- und Introvertiertenfreundlich zu sein. Du kannst auch zu uns kommen, wenn du noch niemanden kennst!

Location / Treffpunkt:

Die Kunstinstallation beim Ausgang Nord-Ost.
The art installation at the exit north-east.


Content Notes

Respect the GPN Code of Conduct!
The CARE-Team (identifiable by green badges with CARE print) is there to help.

Respektiere den GPN Code of Conduct!
Das CARE-Team (erkennbar an grünen Badges mit CARE Aufdruck) hilft Dir.

Organizing the Young Queer Gathering (also formally known as the "Twink Meetup") est. 34C3.

Contact: c3twinks[ät]pm.me